Romino's Technical Update.

This is a small update with minor fixes to provide a moderately improved experience. These changes are, from more to less relevant to you:

- ACHIEVEMENTS!  Here you'll find the standard ones, like "Complete World 1" or the ever so original "Complete World 2". If you have a completed file, you'll get these automatically upon loading it. However, there are a lot more, some of them pretty challenging. An internal achievement system has been added, local for every file. I recommend trying them out if you want to squeeze a little more juice out of this game. Speaking of which...

- Speedrun Timer. Honestly, from all my time testing, I think this is a cool game to speedrun. There are tons of skips and cool tricks on each level, and it can be really fun to search for optimal strategies, from simple moves that allow you to reach the door in no time, to absurd maneuvers that skim only a few seconds from the timer. If you enjoyed your time with the game, I encourage you to give it a go. My personal best is 01:07:34:33, if you are curious ;D

- Some levels have been tweaked a little. This actually has been happening since launch in a sneaky fashion, it is only now that I confess my crimes and ploys to you. These changes don't aim to make the game easier (some of them actually made it harder), but just more enjoyable, cutting short incorrect solutions earlier so the player doesn't get stuck trying those for too long. I don't have and don't want to do a list with all the tweaks, but they are pretty minor changes overall.

- Buttons now look different! I loved the rectangular nature of the old ones, but sometimes they were hard to spot. Before launch, I tried everything, every shade combination, animating them... but nothing seemed to completely fix the situation. They are now round, almost squishy-looking. I wasn't sure I liked it, but they've grown on me lately, and in terms of visibility it is clear that this is the better design.

- Romino's code has been rewritten. Now it is cleaner, more concise and more efficient. You should not notice any major differences in your end, but nevertheless, Romino now moves more smoothly. Taking pieces that are close to the ceiling and dropping pieces in general is now much easier, so check it out if you're curious. I also wanted to rewrite the pieces' code, and I actually cleaned it up a little! But... yeah, that's not gonna happen... It works, so no need to mess too much with it.

- UI has been improved. That's why this is called the technical update, it's mostly just a bunch of code maintenance. Copying and deleting files now prompts you with a confirmation dialog. It is now clearer and risk free, so enjoy doing that if that's your thing. Some extra preferences have also been added, as well as an achievements menu.

And last and probably least...

- Enemy code has been rewritten too! 8 times, to be specific. None of them worked, so yeah, they actually get to keep the old code too, with some minor improvements. It's a big mess, but just like with the pieces, it works! I guess their behavior is just too specific to have neat, simple code...

The future:

Well, you may have guessed it, but I'm not cleaning code just for show. "Hey, look, the code is more readable now, check it out!" said enthusiastically to the audience no one ever. There are plans to expand the game a little more. New content may come later this year, but it will take some time. I'm very glad for all of you who purchased the game and enjoyed it, and I hope you like some of the little new additions. Until next time, cheers!


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Mar 16, 2022
Romino's Adventure 39 MB
Mar 16, 2022

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